

"I was graduating high school the year Harvey Milk was killed, so I was in California, and I was certainly aware of it — it was national news, anyway. I didn't know anything more than this openly gay politician was murdered alongside the mayor of San Francisco. I think it was only a month after the Peoples Temple [Jonestown mass murder] thing had happened, which was mostly San Francisco people, so it was kind of a crazy moment in Northern California (...)
The main problem was that normally, to tell a whole life in two hours, you want to get somebody more charismatic than the real person. And in this case, one could only aspire to that(...)
The joke was that my son's problem was seeing his father kiss [James] Franco, and my daughter's problem was seeing Franco kiss her father (...)
The only significant speculation [if Harvey Milk had lived] I make is if you look at the timing, what an incredibly powerful voice he would have been when the plague hit, which was a year after. You had an entire administration that never said the word "AIDS." He would have pushed that issue, and there would be people alive today that aren't. That seems a pretty safe bet."

4 comentarios:

  1. Hola guapo!!!
    La tenemos para verla pronto. Te contaré.
    Buenísimo lo que dice sobre lo que la escena del beso supuso para su hijo y para su hija. Lo del hijo es triste, pero tiene gracia.

    El gran caracán de la Conchinchina, busca una flauta para hace tachún-tachán, con la muy divina de Kimera Caracán.
    Era era una mera quimera, ¿qué será que será de Kimera Caracán?
    Tachún dachán. Tachún Dachán.
    Kimera Caracán. Kimera Caracán.
    Kimera Kimera. Kimera Kimera Kimera.
    El gran caracán de la Conchinchina, busca un kimono para hacer kabuki en la ópera de Pekín con la muy divina de Kimera Caraquín.
    Caracán cancán. Caracán cancán. Caracán cancán. De la Conchinchiiinaaaaa!!!
    En la ópera de Pekín, en la ópera de Arlequín.

    Te lo dije, y lo que te rondaré morena.

    Visite Transilvania a través de nuestros vuelos de Nosferatour Operator, Transilvania Airways, Drácula Airlines.

  2. Geniales confesiones de Penn sobre la peli, sobre Harvey Milk, y lo que pensaron sus hijos al verle besarse con James Franco ("papá es actor" debió decirles...) "Gran Actor", añadiremos...Y el poster de la peli de...Hong Kong, this time.

  3. Que curiosa la opinión de cada hijo.

    No la he visto aún, aunque está prevista, ya vé usted el atraso que llevo en muchas ocasiones.

  4. No sé no sé...como actor no está mal la verdad...pero eso de que a vd le ponga...hijo, yo prefiero a un Miguel Carcaño.
