"An American critic wrote that she would rather be forced to read the New York telephone directory three times than watch the film A Zed and Two Noughts, a third of which was a homage to Vermeer. Conceivably, if you are a list-enthusiast like me, the New York telephone directory might be fascinating, demographically, geographically, historically, typographically, cartographically; but I am sure no compliment was intended."
"The overall visual master-of-ceremonies of the film was to be Vermeer - adroit and prophetic manipulator of the two essentials of cinema - the split-second of action,
and drama revealed by light."
and drama revealed by light."
. . .
3 comentarios:
Antes de ver la filmografía de Buñuel me gustaria saber si tiene alguna relación con Vermeer o ¿tengo que descubrirla después?
Una pintura muy personal. Me gusta su color; los matices del rojo del sombrero están muy bien, y el fondo una maravilla.
Un abrazo, CINEXIM
Uy, qué pintoresco se ha vuelto el blog desde que no entraba!
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